
Saturday, 27 July 2024

About Us

News Archival System of Department of Public Relations, Bhopal (M.P.) is developed to enhance access to information & News Items published in different news papers and composed by the DPR itself. Now the required Information & News Item from the rich database of the department is just a single click away from you. Simple and Advanced search options make it fast and easy. Also, you can view news clips of various Newspapers of different divisions physically very far from you. News Archive section gives you facility to view old news clips of desired date.

This website www.mpnewsarch.org has been inaugurated by , Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh on 9th December 2004 in presence of smt. Aruna Sharma, Commissioner, Dept. of Public Relations and other dignities. C.M. described the website as useful and expressed happiness over maximum use of IT by the department. Website is being managed by the CRISP.